Service Times:

Wednesday Bible Study 6pm

Sunday Bible Study 10am

Sunday Worship Service 11am


If you are not comfortable coming and worshiping with us in person, please visit our YouTube channel to get the weekly messages @


Stay Tuned:

Our name is changing to Redway Baptist Church






We are fully reopened!




We offer three services a week.


Please come early for fellowship.


Thank you for sharing in our Christ centered ministry. 



On August 1, 2022, Pastor Chris Andrews will become Interm Senior Pastor. Pastor Tom Culbert will continue as Associate Pastor and our beloved Senior Pastor, Dave Seaford, will continue to share the pulpit.



For tithes and offerings please click on the "Donate" button below.


Please email us for questions suggestions, or prayer @


It's time to get them answered!


Welcome to First Baptist Church Redway, California

We welcome you to come join us for worship no matter where you are in your spiritual walk. We appreciate those that are genuinely looking for the truth and ask questions that may lead to truth. We want to engage you in those kinds of conversation and look forward to exploring with you the truth claims of the Christian faith.



Watch a Service

Have you missed a service or two? Catch-up on what you've missed with our recorded services!
Now available 24/7/365



. Find US

Redway is small and you will have no problem finding us at 1055 Redway Drive, Redway, California



 Wed Life Line

Our Wed. Night Bible Study concerns the doctrines of the Christian Faith and specifically what we as Southern Baptists believe. The series is entiled:  "What We Believe and Why We Believe It". We meet at 6:00pm in the sanctuary.

From FBCR Channel:



 Serve & Volunteer

We currently need volunteers to be "Helpers" in our Children's Ministry Area.

We also need volunteers to assist with the updating of our Website, Facebook page and Youtube Channel.


 Pastor's Blog - Your comments are welcome.


Daily Bible Verse 2/8/2025
If you make the LORD your refuge, if you make the Most High your shelter, no evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your dwelling. For he orders his angels to protect you wherever you go. Psalm 91:9-11

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Redway Baptist Church
1055 Redway Drive
Redway, CA


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